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Identification method of injection mold products

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Before the waste injection mold products can be reused through various injection mold product regeneration methods, the injection mold products basically need to be classified. Because the consumption channels of injection mold products are many and complex, and some post-consumer injection mold products are difficult to distinguish simply by their appearance, the material varieties are marked on the injection mold products. China has formulated GB/T16288-1996 "Plastic Packaging Products Recycling Mark" with reference to the material variety marking proposed and implemented by the American Plastics Association (SPE). Although the above marking method can be used to facilitate sorting, there are still many unmarked in China In order to separate different types of plastics for sorting and recycling, we must first master the knowledge of identifying different plastics. The following is a simple method for identifying plastics:

Appearance identification of injection mold products
By observing the appearance of injection mold products, it is possible to initially identify the major categories of injection mold products: thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics or elastomers. There are two general types of thermoplastics: crystalline and amorphous. Crystalline plastics are translucent, opaque or opaque in appearance, transparent only in thin films, and range in hardness from soft to horny. Amorphous is generally colorless, completely transparent when no additives are added, and its hardness is harder than that of horny rubber (additives such as plasticizers are often added at this time). Thermosetting plastics usually contain fillers and are opaque, such as transparent without fillers. The elastomer has a rubber-like feel and has a certain elongation rate.

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